Simon & Garfunkel, the iconic duo from the 1960s, created some of the most enduring and beloved music of their era. From their folk-inspired harmonies to their introspective lyrics, their songs continue to resonate with audiences around the world.
In this blog post, we take a closer look at the enduring appeal of Simon & Garfunkel’s music. We delve into the stories behind some of their most famous songs, such as “The Sound of Silence,” “Bridge Over Troubled Water,” and “Mrs. Robinson.” We also explore the impact that their music had on the cultural landscape of the time and how it continues to influence musicians today.
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Simon and Garfunkel;s Potato Pancakes
4 large potatoes
¼ cup milk
1 onion
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon salt
Grate potatoes into the milk. Grate the onion into the mixture. Add flour and salt and mix well. Spoon mixture one tablespoon at a time into hot oil. Brown on one side, then turn.
Drain on a paper towel, and serve piping hot with applesauce or sour cream.